Monday 4 July 2011

Dead Meat

This post is a little more serious, so please forgive me if it is not so humorous.

Just when it seemed Australia’s worst Prime Minster in history (arguably) could not possibly make matters worse, the Government has decided to ban all live cattle exports to Indonesia.

This piece is not one intended to condone the actions taken by those, at up to 11 Indonesian slaughter houses. Not for one moment.

The treatment of cattle, filmed by Animals Australia & RSPCA which was subsequently aired on the ABC TV’s Four Corners was appalling and not acceptable in today’s society.

My concerns are;

What was Meat & Livestock Australia, (whose role includes ensuring the abattoirs are up to standard) doing while this treatment went on?

If the MLA were not actively ensuring the correct killing procedures were being carried out, then why must the Australian Beef Association keep paying levies for the above mentioned checks to be undertaken.

Initially the MLA and LiveCorp (an industry body) suspended the supply of cattle to three Indonesian slaughterhouses. After the footage aired on Four Corners, the Federal Government extended the ban to all in Indonesia.

So with no Cattle leaving our shores for Indonesia, what happens to those with contracts in place, and cattle at the station?

According to Nico Botha from Moola Bulla Station near Halls Creek in the Kimberley, the only option is to start shooting the cattle on his property.

Mr Botha currently has 25,000 head of cattle on his property. Of which, he estimates 3,000 must be shot to ensure there is enough natural grass to feed the remaining 22,000. Of the 3,000 set to be shot, 200 will have to go immediately.

Mr Botha told ABC News,

”We’d rather shoot them now than go through over grazing, dying in the paddocks, struggling to get the paddocks better again.”

“That’s going to take us another three years, so we’d rather do our decision now, than go through all the other dramas.”

He continued with,

“Animals are going to die on the paddocks in huge numbers and we’re not talking hundreds, we’re talking thousands.”

So, what’s the solution to yet another problem, created by the current Australian Government?

To me, it’s really very simple. Why not identify the abattoirs doing the wrong thing and suspend trade to them, which is basically isolating the problem. That seems much more logical than the over-reaction put forward by our Prime Minister. Her solution to completely ban all live exports to Indonesia, destroyed an entire industry over night. Instantly.

One must also ask. Is this just another example of a Labor quick fix solution, to solve a much more complex problem? Or are Bob Brown and his Green Party behind the push to ban live cattle exports?

Most are only too aware that in Bob Brown’s Utopia, there would be no live cattle exports. Not to Asia, Europe or the Middles East. Could the man with a vegetarian agenda be behind the push?
After all, is it not the Greens who see themselves as the moral and purity enforcers? Is it not them who see Animals as equals to us mere Humans?

Only time will tell how this one will play out, but mark my words. Under the Labor/Greens coalition, get use to the new “Utopia Agenda”.

An agenda that pushes a Carbon Tax, Solar & Wind Power, Push Bikes and Vegetarian Menus at your local Steak House.

Are you still “cool” because you voted Green?

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Medieval Fortress

Recently in the news, you may have seen the mainstream media talking about the new “Australian Dream”.

Apparently the Australian dream of bricks, mortar and a large back yard, all in a quiet street, have become a thing of the past.

Nowadays, my generation dreams of lifts, stairwells and a 2 bedroom apartment on Fitzroy Street. Right? Well I’m not so sure.

For me, the great Australian dream shared by many generations before me, is still a very accurate picture of what the overwhelming majority of young Australians, aspire to today.

As a 20 something Gen Y, the bars, restaurants and cafes are very appealing. Infact, in years gone by, it was common practise to have a meal at home on Friday night with the family, head out for the night, only to then stagger in the door Sunday afternoon.

From the ages of 18 to 25, to own a pad in the city would be every Gen Y’s dreams. But what about the years that follow?

Alcohol & Drug fuelled violence, whores working the night away around the corner, and that deep thumping bass to the early hours of the morning. Yeah, sign a young family up for that!

There is a common misconception that my generation cares only for itself, and where the next party is.  It may then surprise you, to hear that the majority of young people, by the time they hit their mid-20’s, are over the clubs, pubs and one night stands. They are thinking career, house and family.

But the question remains. Where to bring up that young family?

I for one, would much rather be bringing my kids up in a suburban environment. One similar to what I experienced as a child, as compared to being raised in a high rise building.

That’s because kids need to be kids. Kids need to build a billy cart. Break their arm playing footy. Break mum and dads window with the cricket ball. Kids need to have their mates and go off on adventures. Explore the new housing estate, the bushland or even knick knock the grumpy old bloke at the end of the street. Why? Because that’s what kids do.

They don’t sit in cafes sipping a babycino. They don’t sit in front of a 80inch plasma, playing Xbox all day. They don’t even need to go to cooking classes to learn the art of fine dining, only years after learning the art of wiping their own arse.

Kids need to explore, get hurt, make friends, and even loose them. Kids need to argue over whose turn it is to bat. They need to be cheeky, even annoy the neighbour’s cat.

I understand times have changed. I also understand there are some sick and perverted people in the world today. I therefore understand we must be careful with young children. But being careful does not mean locking them up inside all day. Nor does it mean you should try to make them grow up faster than they need.

Kids need to be kids, and kids need a backyard wonderland to call their own. A backyard with a medieval fortress.  A backyard with a set of goal posts, better than those found at the MCG.  A backyard with rides that rival those at Disneyland. Or even just a cubby, two trees and a swing set.    

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Labor Life

This is intended to be a short comical piece on the current Government in Australia. Only thing is, it’s not very funny at all.

This country is crumbling before our very eyes. The success of this once great land is becoming a thing of the past. Success doesn’t happen under Labour. Just one mess after another. Building education revolution, pink batts, cash for clunkers, green loans, student laptops, health reforms, border protection, GP super clinics and 260 new childcare centres. Not one of those has been even close to a success.

Labor Government… A Government for the hard working Australian right? 

The hard working Australian’s who are about to be hit with a Carbon Tax. A carbon tax that only a short while ago, wouldn’t happen under Julia. A carbon tax that’s about to add over 10 cents a liter to the cost of fuel. A tax that’s about to send your Water, Gas & Electricity bills through the roof.

But let me guess, you’re sitting pretty right? Kevin paid for the insulation in your roof! They gave you free solar power systems, and Kevin’s mate John gave us lucky Victorian’s a cost effective smart meter! All this and only 20 homes burn to a crisp and four deaths from sub standard installations.

A+ Kevin & Julia. Maybe that’s why Kevin lost his job? A Prime Minister sacked. Knifed even. Infact he wasn’t sacked, I lie. He was Demoted.

The creep still has a job, Foreign Affairs Minister. Prancing around on the global stage, speaking Mandarin to whoever will listen to the self serving, arrogant fool.

But to be fair, the guy isn’t all bad. He helped move a couch in the Queensland floods. Just don’t mention the cut leg and hospital visit once it became infected?  Karma’s a bitch.
Either way, this is the reality of life under a Labor/Greens coalition. If it wasn’t so serious, it really would be comical!

Tuesday 21 June 2011


What is an educated person?  Is your level of education measured by your schooling? It is measured by a peice of paper you recieved at University? Is it measured by the title on your business card, what suburb you live in, or by the people you surround yourself with?

Traditionally, you could answer yes to all of the above. However, in 2011 many including myself would define educated very differently.

Any answer to this question will no doubt shed light on a range of differing opinions. Some may say your level of education is based on academic results. Some will argue it is based on knowledge. Some will say it is more based around ones skill set. People from different cultures, religions and political persuasions will also define the term differently.

To me an educated person is one with an undogmatic approach to knowledge. One who is willing to learn. One who is skeptical and not afraid to say people before him, are wrong. One who takes risks, leads and learns from his mistakes.

Let me give you some names.

Henry Ford, Louis Armstrong, Quentin Tarantino, Richard Branson, Charlie Chaplin, Johnny Depp, Leon Jouhaux, Rod Laver, Olivia Newton-John, Angus Young, Banjo Patterson, William Shakespeare and finally, George Washington.

The list is endless. All of the people listed above were considered to be uneducated, and all were high school drop outs.

There is a growing consensus among today's business leaders, that some of the most well rounded and educated people in their companies, are those who have been educated by life experiences. Not those straight out of University with little or no idea how competitive today's work force is.    

To be successful, one must know how to take criticism. One must be prepared for office politics, and people who go out of their way to do one better in their employer’s eyes, even if it is at a colleague’s expense.

Many believe that a degree alone makes a person well educated. Personally, I have come across individuals who have yet to attend a university, and they have more knowledge than some people who have numerous degrees. 

I am not taking anything away from those who study. To earn a degree is an accomplishment.

However, those who do not have formal qualifications, does not make them any less educated. Some very intelligent people are not suited to the restraints of a set curriculum, found in many schools across Australia.

I personally am tired of hearing "he is well educated, he has a degree". Oh but you forget to mention he lacks common sense and the ability to reason!

Curriculum can only teach a person so much. However, there are still those who are so quick to dismiss the opinion of a person, without even knowing anything past their formal education.

Gone are the days that a new graduate can land a job relying on a piece of paper to do all the work. It may open the door for them, but an open door and secure seat are to very different things.