Wednesday 22 June 2011

Labor Life

This is intended to be a short comical piece on the current Government in Australia. Only thing is, it’s not very funny at all.

This country is crumbling before our very eyes. The success of this once great land is becoming a thing of the past. Success doesn’t happen under Labour. Just one mess after another. Building education revolution, pink batts, cash for clunkers, green loans, student laptops, health reforms, border protection, GP super clinics and 260 new childcare centres. Not one of those has been even close to a success.

Labor Government… A Government for the hard working Australian right? 

The hard working Australian’s who are about to be hit with a Carbon Tax. A carbon tax that only a short while ago, wouldn’t happen under Julia. A carbon tax that’s about to add over 10 cents a liter to the cost of fuel. A tax that’s about to send your Water, Gas & Electricity bills through the roof.

But let me guess, you’re sitting pretty right? Kevin paid for the insulation in your roof! They gave you free solar power systems, and Kevin’s mate John gave us lucky Victorian’s a cost effective smart meter! All this and only 20 homes burn to a crisp and four deaths from sub standard installations.

A+ Kevin & Julia. Maybe that’s why Kevin lost his job? A Prime Minister sacked. Knifed even. Infact he wasn’t sacked, I lie. He was Demoted.

The creep still has a job, Foreign Affairs Minister. Prancing around on the global stage, speaking Mandarin to whoever will listen to the self serving, arrogant fool.

But to be fair, the guy isn’t all bad. He helped move a couch in the Queensland floods. Just don’t mention the cut leg and hospital visit once it became infected?  Karma’s a bitch.
Either way, this is the reality of life under a Labor/Greens coalition. If it wasn’t so serious, it really would be comical!

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