Tuesday, 21 June 2011


What is an educated person?  Is your level of education measured by your schooling? It is measured by a peice of paper you recieved at University? Is it measured by the title on your business card, what suburb you live in, or by the people you surround yourself with?

Traditionally, you could answer yes to all of the above. However, in 2011 many including myself would define educated very differently.

Any answer to this question will no doubt shed light on a range of differing opinions. Some may say your level of education is based on academic results. Some will argue it is based on knowledge. Some will say it is more based around ones skill set. People from different cultures, religions and political persuasions will also define the term differently.

To me an educated person is one with an undogmatic approach to knowledge. One who is willing to learn. One who is skeptical and not afraid to say people before him, are wrong. One who takes risks, leads and learns from his mistakes.

Let me give you some names.

Henry Ford, Louis Armstrong, Quentin Tarantino, Richard Branson, Charlie Chaplin, Johnny Depp, Leon Jouhaux, Rod Laver, Olivia Newton-John, Angus Young, Banjo Patterson, William Shakespeare and finally, George Washington.

The list is endless. All of the people listed above were considered to be uneducated, and all were high school drop outs.

There is a growing consensus among today's business leaders, that some of the most well rounded and educated people in their companies, are those who have been educated by life experiences. Not those straight out of University with little or no idea how competitive today's work force is.    

To be successful, one must know how to take criticism. One must be prepared for office politics, and people who go out of their way to do one better in their employer’s eyes, even if it is at a colleague’s expense.

Many believe that a degree alone makes a person well educated. Personally, I have come across individuals who have yet to attend a university, and they have more knowledge than some people who have numerous degrees. 

I am not taking anything away from those who study. To earn a degree is an accomplishment.

However, those who do not have formal qualifications, does not make them any less educated. Some very intelligent people are not suited to the restraints of a set curriculum, found in many schools across Australia.

I personally am tired of hearing "he is well educated, he has a degree". Oh but you forget to mention he lacks common sense and the ability to reason!

Curriculum can only teach a person so much. However, there are still those who are so quick to dismiss the opinion of a person, without even knowing anything past their formal education.

Gone are the days that a new graduate can land a job relying on a piece of paper to do all the work. It may open the door for them, but an open door and secure seat are to very different things.

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